History of the School

In past years there was both a winter and a summer Bible school. However, this was adjusted to just one school a year. The school was held over 5 nights but was shortened to 4 nights to keep costs low.

  • A family Bible school
  • Held at various KZN venues
  • Run by Christadelpians
  • Hymn singing
  • Fellowship
  • Talks
Formal Photo 1
Variety Session Talks
Formal talks
Attendees in 2023
Bible Schools Held


The school now falls under the Christadelphian Projects Fund South Africa (CPFSA), which is a non-profit company and organisation. The registration number of the company is 2024 / 389550 / 08. This makes it easier for those who wish to donate and get a tax benefit. We are able to issue section 18A tax deductible receipts.

Bible School Principles

The object of reading and studying the Word of Life is to learn to manifest the character of Yahweh in our lives by learning to think as He does and endeavouring to glorify Him in our lives.

  • To give spiritual matters first place, striving to gain the utmost benefit each day, “redeeming the time.”
  • To avoid ungodly words, thoughts and actions, which are “of the world ... which passes away.”
  • To be at least 5 minutes early for and actively participate in the planned studies and activities.
  • To always remember and apply the themes of the School that all may see that we are a “purchased people” “rejoicing in the hope of the glory of God.”
  • Youth (aged 13 and up) are required to attend all the adult sessions, and children are encouraged to be present at most adult sessions.

Bible School Rules

The following rules are based upon the School Objectives

  • In every way we should show ourselves to be true followers of Christ, and so leave behind a good impression that will be a testimony to the Truth and bring glory to God.
  • So that the program operates to everyone’s benefit, all study sessions, meals & activities etc. should be attended on time.
  • For the benefit of gaining the maximum out of the School, everyone should be settled in their rooms by 22:15 – lights out by 22:30.
  • Men are not permitted in women’s rooms and vice versa.
  • Consistent with the School objectives, we always ask that dress be modest & suitable, both in the studies and during recreation times.
  • Name tags will be handed out – please wear yours for the duration of the school so that everyone can get to know who you are & vice versa.
  • We have come to the School to be away from the “world” – the use of cell phones is discouraged. Cell phones to be switched off during all study sessions.
  • Parents are to ensure that children do not make a noise during talks and do not play near the entrance to the hall.